The Contemporary Art Museum



  The Emperor's New Clothes  



Permanent Exhibition


The Contemporary Art Museum is a large-scale Ultimatist monument to the Modern and Contemporary Art periods with a particular focus on the post-Duchampian conceptual art legacy.


The Museum is the Monument.


The Spire,halls and galleries of the Ivory Tower and Artists' Block (Terminus Buildings) are entirely empty

- a great temple dedicated to nothingness.


Temporarily Closed



The Contemporary Art Gallery is home to the Ultimatist Art Movement's

"The Emperor Has No Clothes!" collection.



The Sculpture Gardens which adjoin the museum (and extend all the way to the Museum of Sculpture & Monumental Sculpture Park) are mostly themed with "exstallations",

including the monumental "Exstallation 100%"

- which is central to Ultimatism's mission:


Like Hercules and his task of cleaning up the Augean stables,

the Ultimatists set out to clear the world's modern and contemporary

art galleries and museums of anti-art clutter.




The Contemporary Art Museum Exhibitions

 Online soon  www.ContemporaryArt.Museum